Sunday, July 24, 2011

Until they post the pictures . . .

I believe these are more Press photos that our Internet guru Teri Horan found on-line. I'm sure we'll see tons of shared photos once every one sleeps for 24 hours. Enjoy!

1 comment:

    To everyone state side & in Spain who has posted pics and comments to this blog to keep everyone an in the loop from Spain(as much as internet access would let them). It was great to see the girls come back and it realized how much I missed Erin. They ALL looked like they had a wonderful experience.
    I would like to give a HUGE!!! Thanks to the Ellen & Shannon for this amazing experience offerred to our girls.
    Finally I want to thank Salina, Vicki, and Colette for being chaperones on the trip and taking care of all our girls.

    Sue Gradus
